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Old 02-26-2021, 12:57 PM   #1
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Default hange in Evaoprust formulation?

A question for you folks who use Evaporust:

I bought a couple of gallons maybe two years ago, and as I used it up I bought a couple more last fall. Well, I tapped into the new stuff today and noticed that it appears that the formulation has changed. Old stuff was light yellow and had a sweet smell. New stuff is clear, no odor and has bubbles when you pour it. I notice the label on the gallon container has changed slightly also. I have no reservations about using it (at least, until I see how well it works), but has anyone else noticed this?

BTW, the instructions say to use and reuse Evaporust until "it is no longer effective". At least with the old stuff, that seems to occur about the time the solution turns opaque black - not with sediment, but a dissolved color. Which leads me to believe that maybe the yellow is the dissolved active ingredient, and it has converted all of the active ingredient when the yellow is no longer present.


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