Thread: SCAM alert
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Old 10-18-2020, 08:49 AM   #3
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Default Re: SCAM alert

Keep in mind that the scammers change their eMails and phone numbers like clockwork. Anytime I see a gMail address with three numbers - is a big red flag to start with. Also, are they frequent posters on the BARN? If they don't have a good track record, or somebody on here who does can vouch for them - stay clear. Lastly, it is always interesting to ask them for their complete home and contact information - which you can usually lookup via the WEB.

When you start hearing the "stories" about why they're not home, that they just moved, that they're at their dead Dad's house where the parts are stored, that they don't have a modern cell phone . . . that the parts are almost headed to the dump and on and on . . . ask yourself how much of the story rings true?

Also, tell them that a friend will come over to inspect the parts and hand over the money . . . they'll start to get all funny with you, the excuses will start to show up really fast.

And if the story and price is too good to be true . . . it is NOT!

These guys are GREAT story tellers . . . don't fall for their stories.
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