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Old 01-28-2012, 02:39 PM   #14
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Powder coat wheel colors

Originally Posted by Louis View Post
You may be right, and I would love to go to the museum at greenfield some day.
But the paint is made so diff. now days and most "A's" have a clear coat on it, I still feel that if you put a model "A" with today's new paint next to one at the Henry Ford museum you could tell quite a diff.
"But"... I've been wrong many times in the past.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I think you have been subjected to a lot of bad (i.e: incorrect) information. Based on what I have experienced at shows/tours/events, most Model A's really aren't painted in BC/CC like you have been led to believe. Also the original wheels were dipped in enamel paint. I will agree this paint was alkyd enamel without any hardners however alkyd is still available with synthetic enamels. Because the original wheels (which were pit-free) were dipped, their finish was extremely smooth & glossy. Correctly applied synthetic enamel, --or even urethane that is applied with minimal mil thickness mimics the original wheels so closely it is hardly distiguishable.

With regard to paint colors matching, Ditzler became Ford's paint supplier and when you research Ford's M-Specs, you find they were very anal about his colors and mix formulas. Later Pittsburgh Plate Glass decided they wanted a paint line and purchased Ditzler, --therefore PPG's internal library & research can replicate the original color in exacting detail simply because they have all the old formulas and color chips. Therefore it really is up to the painter to obtain the proper formula, ...AND apply the modern paint with a technique that mimics the look of lacquer paint. Not every painter has the skill to be able to do this however the ones that can can trick your eyes into believing it is the same as those cars at The Henry Ford (Greenfield). Again, it's not that you are wrong but more about you have been believing the wrong information. And yes, visiting Greenfield definitely needs to be on your 'bucket list'!!


BRENT in 10-uh-C
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