Thread: Garage lights
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Old 09-03-2020, 08:51 PM   #8
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 69
Default Re: Garage lights

A good friend installed LED lights in their kitchen which I believe were the tube type. During an outage (we have a lot of those in CA) when his generator was running his wife called him to the kitchen because smoke was coming from several of the lights. They called the local fire department and after resolving the issue they told him some of the LED's can be a problem when using a generator. Evidently on the cheaper stand by generators the sine wave isn't very good and it causes the lights to heat up and smoke then start smoldering, etc. I haven't had a problem personally but am using a Honda generator which has a near perfect sine wave. Only saying this as an issue to consider when using LEDs and a generator and am assuming the FD personnel know what they are talking about!
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