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Old 01-03-2012, 04:42 PM   #140
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Default Re: What drove you towards the Model A hobby?

My story is simpler (I think...)

My wife's Dad had a few Model 'A's - '28 Phaeton, '31 Roadster and '30 firetruck. I never met the man - he passed before I met his daughter. Story is Mom always replied when asked about Christmas presents - "an elephant or a firetruck". Well, one year it was the firetruck...

Don't know the order of the cars, or how many at once; only know the '31 Roadster was the only one left when I came in the picture. Brother-in-law had taken it apart 7 years ago to "update it', but never got to the putting it back together part.

The car meant a lot to my wife since 6 months before Dad passed away, she & he went for a ride - Chicago to Santa Fe - their first, and last, trip just the two of them. It was also the car she learned to drive in...

Well bro-in-law wanted it out of his garage and a long string of happenstances brought together myself with a friend of a friend who had just gotten a job at an 'A' museum, who had a couple of friends who restore 'A's...

Well it was a re-do (as opposed to a restore) to be a driver (as opposed to a show car) and we are as happy with it as can be. Took Mom out the day after Christmas and she giggled and was telling stories of past trips - absolutely priceless.

Having done a bunch of reading and looking - I would like to add another 'A' to my garage (when I fall into that vat of money; oh yeah, and build that extra garage) - a '31 Town Sedan - what a beautiful car...

- bogie
'31 (Mostly) Roadster
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