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Old 07-24-2014, 01:00 PM   #27
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: message received loud and clear

Originally Posted by Merc Cruzer View Post
Seems like Marco have a conflict of interest in judging cars where they have not done the interior. Just my opinion.

Marco's comments above speaks for his perceived conflict of interest however please allow me to expound on this perception as it applies to the entire Judging process, and not him. What Bob said above is what I have preached over & over yet it continues to happen. l will drop that topic and address the conflict of interest issue...

Imagine the perception of a ‘conflict of interest’ if a Little League Baseball umpire had a sideline business where he was a pitching coach mentoring a few of the same kids he is calling a ballgame on! Could this cause any controversy? What would the public reaction be if a T-Shirt Shop business owner sold jerseys to a few of the football teams, AND was also a Referee during a few of their games? Imagine a local race track’s Tech Inspector going out for a few beers with a team after a race?? In each of these scenarios the individuals did not necessarily do anything unlawful or unethical …however the general perception of their behavior leaves room for doubt, speculation, and questions, ....and that is why each of these hypothetical officials should abstain from being placed in such a situation.

The same mindset can be applied for MARC/MAFCA judging practices. When you have a Team Captain making judgment calls in an area where they have a financial stake, it simply “looks bad” for everyone. I would venture a guess that maybe 50% of the recent 23 area Team Captains receive some sort of financial compensation for their items which are installed on vehicles in competition. Contrary to the way an 'insider' spins it, this just has the appearance of "looking bad" for the judging process. Therefore, if someone sells Model-A tools to the very hobbyist who will have them displayed in competition, then they ethically should not be a Team Captain. If someone is a Team Captain over Area 22, AND throughout the year they also sell restored hubcaps, valve stems, and other items pertaining to that area, then ethically they shouldn’t be a Team Captain over that area. If someone derives their living ( -receives compensation) making/installing interiors, tops, etc., then they should abstain from being a Team Captain over that area. This should also apply for Restoration Shop owners who have vehicles in competition at that show, and should apply for anything --no matter how small or insignificant (Horns, Wipers, Pinstriping, etc.) where compensation has been made in exchange for an item that is installed on the vehicle entered into that competition. Folks, this just looks bad when this happens!!

Now I am NOT saying, …suggesting, …nor implying anything unethical has happened by any person mentioned above, however it is the mere perception by the public's eye that it could happen which creates the image issue. We live in a day and time where transparency is expected by someone in a controlling situation and this is no different. As it stands right now with the way the judging process is being handled, it casts a dark shadow that sets a very negative tone to the public’s eye regarding judging, -most importantly including those hobbyists who have spent vast amounts of time & money on a vehicle entered into competition!

To me it is a simple fix to get headed in the right direction. A Team Captain needs to make a choice which is more important to them, selling goods/services in an area they want to judge, OR being a Team Captain. If they choose to continue selling goods/services, then they should step away from being a Team Captain and only be involved in the capacity as a team-member Judge. Then if the Team Captain is being moral and ethical in his/her duty, they will make sure the appearance of favoritism or partisanship does not occur. While that may not be the perfect solution, it is a huge step in the right direction in my view.

In addition to this, I believe Team Captains should be ‘judged’ on their performance by both team-member Judges AND the car owners of vehicles in competition. It is my view that a Team Captain has certain responsibilities to the car owner where only legitimate deductions need to be made, and clearly written & legible reasons for the deduction need to be listed on the sheet. If a Team Captain chooses to use unethical behavior (such as deducting for items not specified in the J/S book) or not writing reasons on the score sheet, then they should receive a poor grading score on their performance in that role, ...and as such are subject to being barred or placed on probation if their practices continue. The only ones that would feel this mindset being ludicrous are likely the very ones who are possibly guilty of that behavior.

For the ones that say it is difficult enough to find qualified Judges now, let me just offer this thought that if suitable Team Captains cannot be found, then it proves the system is flawed and needs immediate attention, --or it needs to be abolished until such a time where corrections to the system/process can be made. If that means that Fine-Point judging is dropped from the club curriculum, then so be it but understand the negative publicity generated by the actions of a few individuals damages what the rest of the club is trying to do for the betterment of the hobby.

BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )


Last edited by BRENT in 10-uh-C; 07-24-2014 at 01:06 PM.
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