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Old 09-15-2020, 06:19 AM   #17
Paul Bennett
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Default Re: Thread - I screwed up

Originally Posted by V8COOPMAN View Post
Paul....Is it more important for the fan to cool HOT water, or to cool water that has already been cooled after going through the radiator? Just curious! DD
Hot water doesn't get cooled by the radiator UNLESS cool air flows through the radiator fins cools the water flowing through the radiator.

What we are discussing is the source of the air flowing through the radiator fins, how to control it when a greater flow of air is needed.

So, Coup,... my answer to your important question: ... it is NOT important to cool water that has already been cooled. But how can that happen that hot water was already cooled? Hot water won't get cooled by the radiator simply because the radiator says "Cool It". If it flows through the radiator without air flow through the radiator fins, hot water entering WILL STAY HOT on exit.

I think the water cooling concept muddles our thinking because the dash temp gauge monitors temperature of water leaving the engine. As well it should. Plus the standard fan is a permanent fixture, always providing air flow.

One must think of the radiator as a device capable of cooling water if and only if, air is made to flow through the fins, either with car speed or a fan. Come to think, perhaps throttle control could be added to a heat sensor. But officer, the car engine was simply cooling itself.
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