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Old 05-01-2014, 08:21 PM   #9
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Default Re: Crooked fan? mounting seems tilted to the right?

The square washer is there thank goodness. It would spin with the big nut, is that supposed to happen if the fan bracket isn't there?. I imagine the fan bracket is what keeps it in position.

The fan is now lined up with the crank pulleys. I think it was a combination of a 2-3 things. The shaft clamp was not tightened all the way, or at least not as tight as I thought it should be anyway. It may have been allowing the shaft to sit crooked in the clamp once a load was put on it. Second, the generator is angled somewhat to the left in the "yoke".

The difference in the fan angle to the gen. is much closer now, but the generator isn't lined up with any other pulleys. It's about half the angle of before though, so a loosening and repositioning of the gen. is probably called for now. Surprising no bolts were stuck either. The fan spins pretty nicely on the shaft, and doesn't appear to be leaking anywhere. I will refill it with oil and see what happens down the road.
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