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Old 01-27-2014, 08:56 PM   #25
Joe K
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Default Re: Beware of new EP15 gasoline.

Snopes is generally a defender of the present political status quo. They carefully "cherry picked" the claims of the original article and answered those questions which support the EPA and their efforts to reduce pollution from burning fossil fuels.

Here's what I have learned of ethanol.
1. It's hygroscopic and will attract water from the air. When combined with water it settles to the bottom of your tank (oil floats on water) and the water can tend to rust out a gas tank or gas lines.
2. Mileage is reduced by the difference in "heat value" of the fuels. Wikipedia puts the heat value of pure ethanol at perhaps 51 percent that of gasoline - but we're burning a "blend" of course. It has been found that a 10 percent mix of ethanol will reduce mileage in cars not "flex fuel" by about 10 percent. Thus, ethanol does not "save" petroleum fuel stocks.
3. E10 or e15 IS more expensive than the same volume of fuel as gasoline.
4. Ethanol is touted as a "greenhouse neutral" fuel. It is NOT as petroleum is required to make it in the ratio of about 1 (petroleum) to 1.5 (ethanol) The heat value is about a wash - you gain no more energy by converting gasoline into ethanol in the growing process.
5. Ethanol DOES have advantage as a knock reducing agent - much as Tetraethyl Lead and MBTE did before it. Ethanol is much less polluting than either of these others though.
6. Ethanol does have advantage as an "oxygenator" which aid combustion - and reduces carbon monoxide emissions.
These last two are the primary attraction of ethanol to the EPA.
7. Ethanol does tend to oxidize (age) rubber and gasket parts in the fuel system. Modern polymers help in this regard but are not a total solution.

My son the college student made an interesting discovery of e10 ethanol fuel.

"Dad, you get worse mileage with e10 gas?"
"And e10 gas costs more than straight gas right?"
"This true"
"Do people realize they're burning the same amount of petroleum when they go on a trip - and paying more for it?"
"Um. I think Congress decided we should all pay more for a cleaner environment."
"I didn't see much wrong with the air the way it was before..."

Smart boy.

Joe K
Shudda kept the horse.
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