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Old 11-01-2022, 02:15 AM   #5
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Default Re: Sales Slowing Down????

Originally Posted by Tinker View Post
I think things are slowing down. But I believe things are still good in the states and places. We will see how it plays out, but we have not slowed down here too much other then the conflict amongst ourselves. Or not....

Things cost more as companies make record profit. Phones sell, homes sell, cars. purses... Americans have two speeds, full throttle and turbo. Too bad we can't find a united direction right now. We are too worried about furriers in schools and little things that don't effect us or true.

Tomorrow is another day. Maybe a day to look at healthcare cost and people as people. Not a burden. Social Security has been classified as a "entitlement". Ain't that some shit after it's been totally funded by your input. haha whatever though...

I guess I always think about Henry in the 20's. He had his issues. But the 5$ day allowed workers to buy his product. You can build a hammer that is amazing, but if no one can afford to buy it, who cares..

Tinker, The $5 day had its benefits and its problems. It was a huge public relations win for Ford while proving to be a failed social engineering experiment. That 5 dollar bill had so many strings attached to it that it alienated his own employees. Can you imagine your employer sending men to your home unannounced to investigate your home life?
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