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Old 12-27-2020, 09:53 PM   #9
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Default Re: Mode A Piston expander/ knurling tool to Buy

Originally Posted by Licensed to kill View Post
Problem is, if he is, in fact experiencing piston slap, doing as you suggest will do nothing to solve the problem he is experiencing. Piston slap is from too much clearance in the bore. Unless by "Honing" you mean to hone it out to the next size rather than honing to restore the cross hatch, Honing and putting new pistons of the same size will do nothing to solve the problem because the problem is not with the pistons Per se, but with the cylinders. The cylinders will have to be bored to the next piston size. When I was faced with a similar issue, I did a lot of research into knurling. I read a lot of negative opinions on it pretty much exclusively from people that don't fully understand it. After finding several sources from people that no only fully understand it but have done it, I arrived at the conclusion that, not only is it acceptable in the right situation, it has some benefits and I would not hesitate to do it if i found myself in a situation that warranted it. In my particular case, I had wicked cylinder taper (.009") and therefore chose to go to the next size piston and hone out the taper and bring the cylinders to the next size. That was a big job. If the cylinders were relatively straight, I would MUCH rather knurl the pistons.
I actually, fully understand knurling, but you personally don’t know me, so I’ll assume you are not talking to me directly. Knurling is outdated technology from the time when new pistons were of poor quality when compared to oem pistons. Today’s new pistons for model a’s are of superior quality for 95% of the users out there. For the same amount of effort, time, and cost, why wouldn’t you go with new rings and pistons?

Piston slap is the result of one or both things, either the piston collapsed, or the cylinder is worn enough to taper, allowing the slap. The real solution is new pistons, or bore/hone to the next size AND new pistons.

Knurling is a bandaid. It’s one best applied by the old total seal (or others) knurling machines. Far more rare and expensive than a new set of pistons.
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