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Old 07-29-2020, 07:10 PM   #12
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Default Re: Oversized Brake Drums

Doesn't even need to be an at fault accident. My son was T boned by a car that ran a stop sign (totalled a fresh restoration of my old 56 Chev pickup) 100% fault of the person who hit him. He was not injured thankfully but even so, the truck was taken to a shop and all 4 brakes were checked and measured. I kept a log of everything done on the truck and that was in the glove box, and everything I claimed I did was checked off as in good condition. If anything was off the insurance company of the person who hit him would not have paid anything and fought it in court. It is what they do, insurance companies have lawyers to do that and the average joe can't compete meaning afford to fight. They (after a year) settled for 30k but they strung it way out on something that was cut and dried, police issued a citation and everything.. It is false economy to use safety issue parts (steering, brakes, tires) that are not legal.
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