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Old 11-11-2010, 01:39 PM   #123
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Default Re: What drove you towards the Model A hobby?

Well I was born in 1990; in 91 on my first birthday, my father gave my mother an abandoned farm for a wedding gift?? She still has no idea why. Well every weekend of my life sence then i have spent clearing land and ridding dirt bikes ect... For my whole life there has alwase been this memorie of myself about 2 years old playing in this old truck; its very foggy and very dull but its there, it started a love of every thing old in my life expecaly old cars. For years I never new if the dreem was real. I was going though cregs list and I saw an add for a 28 ford pick up I came home with it the next weekend. When my mother saw it she said it is just like the one on the mountain ( that old farm we call the mountain) Thats when I was filled in. When they bought the land there was no trace of it ever being a farm left it was full out forist coverage. They bought the land in the premis that there shough be some were in the 100 acers a small cabin a large barn and a well. Eventaly the well was found , also the foundation to a barn and also the foundation to a House along with a small grave yard. Next to the well was a model A Roadster pickup. That I used to play in when I was about 2. my farther tryed to remove it one day and it jsut fell apart so he junked it. Thats earlest memory i have. Latter thes history of the land and its piculare abandondment was found out. In the year of 36 there was a blizard the farmer took his truck down to the well to get watter to hopfully boil, to put in the barn to keep the cows from freesing. He got lost in the white out and died his wife and one son also died in the stom. He had one remaining some who surved he was 16 or so. He burried his family and left never to come back the bank seized the property from him in 1987 when he could no longer aford the taxs and we bought it. He is who told us the story when we tracked him down for a deed confliction. That old truck sat there from the night the farmer died till my farther halled it out of there 56 years later. Back to the point that memory hooked me in before i knew what a truck was.
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