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ctlikon0712 10-10-2015 08:24 PM

End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

After dodging the Winds and thunderstorm Friday I was optimistic about the weather and turnout today. Some vendors were still around but many had packed up or were in the process of doing so. So walking Orange and Green fields didn't take all that long.
I really enjoyed the show afterwards and saw allot of really nice cars and met some great people as well.

Ed Saniewski 10-11-2015 07:27 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I have only been attending Hersey for 13 years, but it seems that most of the vendors in chocolate field shut down Fri. night. The upper fields get the flow to and from the car show. The old timers I sell with in Chocolate field say that many years ago, Saturday was a big sale day. They also like to talk about all the mud there used to be after a rain storm.

Ted Duke 10-11-2015 07:56 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Enjoyed our trip to Hershey, but it is "not as good as it once was". First trip 1972 and for several years thereafter, and for the last seven or eight.

Arrived late Thursday at Chocolate (4:00 pm) and spent an hour and a half. Bought a couple of small items. Too many spaces filled with motor homes, or just empty. Lots of walking between anything to look at (or possibly buy).

Friday did Green. Bought a nice Tillotson for $10, passed on several grungy ones with parts missing for $35. Bought a few other items. Same complaint, too many spaces filled with motor homes or empty. Lots of walking to get to next vendor.

Too many vehicles, cars, trucks, motorhomes, trailers driving around during the day. Apparently none of the AACA Hershey rules posted on their website are enforced.

Crowds way down from past years. Economy? Long open spaces? High prices of "stuff". Seems many vendors come early and leave early. Heard many complaints Saturday from people who work and came over Friday afternoon.

We left at 12:30 Saturday as the flea market was essentially over and we didn't want to stand around until 3:30 to see the cars leave. Wish they judged earlier and allowed them to leave around noon. (Long drive home)

Finally, still a GREAT experience, but IMHO someone in AACA Hershey needs to get out of "the tent" and look at what has happened to the flea market.

mhsprecher 10-11-2015 08:34 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I agree about the situation with the flea market. People should write the Eastern Region of AACA and ask them to review the situation.

I also remember when Saturday was a good flea market day. A fellow club member picked up a rare piece of literature for an old high wheeler he had, so people are still open. As a working stiff, I raced to get there, on back roads and at 45-50 mph in my 1930 4door on Thursday. As it turned out, I didn't get much flea market time, having to be on the phone for work, the thunderstorm, etc.

It was a beautiful day for the show and I enjoyed seeing the cars in the car corral. I talked to a guy who bought a Sportsman at the auction on Friday night.

ctlikon0712 10-11-2015 08:51 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Valid observations and points guy's. I too wonder why Saturday the swap meet is considered over. There are many people who work who would show up for Saturday if it was still going on and worth the trip or time. And there are to many motor homes and vehicles....
Putting myself in the vendors shoes, I am sure it is nice to stay in a motor home right where your wares are setup to keep an eye on things at night and If you are set up on Tuesday I am sure I would be ready to go home by Saturday. I am sure many people looking over your items and asking questions without purchasing could be aggravating or tiresome.
I also enjoy looking at the Automotive Related Antiques, that being said... Wow many are asking outrageous amounts of money for their items. Its no wonder they don't seem to sell anything. The stuff that isn't car related has no business being at the show in my opinion.
I thanked many of the Saturday swap vendors that I saw for staying Saturday. I hope that part of the show gets better.

Ted Duke 10-11-2015 09:24 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

We should not need to write anyone a letter. Many AACA members are here, aren't they?

ronn 10-11-2015 10:47 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I agree with all of the posts presented-Hershey is dying, like it or not.

My first observation on Tues and Weds was that 40% of the spots selling, were selling tons of advertisement signs. If I didnt know better, wouldnt be sure that this was a car show...........
Likewise, so many empty spaces, that the meet becomes somewhat tiresome.
I believe the state sales tax has caused many to stay home, many are getting older and not coming any longer and I noticed about 30% foreigners taking up the slack. Mostly from Norway, Sweden and Holland.
I wont be attending any longer-the question that needs to be presented, are that the original cars and parts are going south, while the rod shows seem to be heading north.
Much thought is needed for the future, or there wont be a future................
I realized more then ever, that it is time for me to sell a few of my vehicles, as there may be no buyers in the next 10 years. I am not so much speaking concerning Model A's..................

ronn 10-11-2015 12:34 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Glad you had such a great time Forever.....................

as I said, will never go back, so I guess I need an attitude adjustment.

mshmodela 10-11-2015 01:00 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I suppose having never gone to the event one might look at the good side... Yes you could buy just about anything from the internet but is buying things the main reason one would go to Hershey? I suspect not.... I'd like to go someday for no other reason but to see the cars, shoot the ____ with those who has been around the car block a LOT longer than I have... and in the process learn somethings...

29spcoupe 10-11-2015 01:02 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I have been going to Hershey since 1972 and wouldn't miss it. Saturdays are notoriously bad for selling because most people are at the car show. We set up Tuesday and start packing up on Saturday morning. I usually have good sales on every day except Saturday. This is not a business for me, the money I use to buy things comes from selling the extra parts that I sell. For me this is a hobby and the best venue in the world is Hershey. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Gary Karr 10-11-2015 01:46 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I got home last night from Hershey and had a blast. I caught up with lots of friends and made it through the entire flea market, and then some, averaging over 10 miles per day walking. I found a lot of great parts as well as a fair amount of NOS stuff. I found the crowds to be normal and tons of vendors with great stuff. I can't wait until next year.

jimalabam 10-11-2015 04:14 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

For some it's black, for others it's white. I still miss it every year !

Terry, NJ 10-11-2015 05:58 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

For Me, I grouse about it (Griping is fun!) But The further away from it in time and distance I get, The more I look forward to it. After all it is the worlds biggest! But for me and my hips, it can be an ordeal.BTW I'm 5' 7" and 155 lbs with arthritic hips, back, and a knee and at 71 y.o., it freakin hurts! I did meet a guy I went to Bloomfield tech with. He was a couple of years behind me, but it was fun reminicing. All in all I'll probably go back next year, there's always some surprises.

Ted Duke 10-11-2015 06:04 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

So, if you voice an honest opinion about the less than desirable changes in the show you become a hater? Very interesting, my words,

"Finally, still a GREAT experience, but IMHO someone in AACA Hershey needs to get out of "the tent" and look at what has happened to the flea market

I stand by my statement above. AACA Hershey is losing "it" and it's not just the economy (which IMHO is NOT getting better), it is the wide open spaces and the "flipped" over-priced parts.

Midwest Tin 10-11-2015 06:40 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

To All,
I'm in total agreement with Forever4 and Gary Karr. I also found two NOS Model A Fenders and many other NOS parts. Also two excellent used fenders. Great conversations with Ford Barners and made some new friends. I have been going for the last 30 years and I'm looking forward to next years meet. Only 363 days left! :D Jim

Tom in SW VA 10-11-2015 07:53 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

This is an interesting discussion. I have been to Hershey one time (2006). I had a great time, but could not return the following year and had to give up my room at the Comfort Inn. That is my problem with Hershey. Lodging is a bear and once someone has a room they never give it up. All of my attempts to get back to the Comfort Inn in Hershey have been unproductive. Maybe I will have better luck next year!! :)

Reeg 10-11-2015 08:14 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Saturday was down but that probably had to do with the storm as well. prices were outrageous but that is capitalism. Someone must be paying. Also with the internet the flea market is less relevant. I went to race of gentlemen today and that was great.

barkleydave 10-12-2015 09:08 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I am not an Ole Timer but have been to Hershey five times as a vendor. I have noticed changes in the past 5 years.

1. Yes lots of electric carts (the crowd is getting older!)
2. Too many Golf Carts!

From a vendor's perspective the carts are a good thing. The more ground the customers can cover the better the sales should be.

3. Great place to see beautiful cars and that remains the same.

4. Sales have been falling every year. It is expensive to go to Hershey. We travel 2 days each way. Takes a week of time and lots of fuel, food, etc expense. Sales this year barley covered our space rental.

5. More junk less quality available.

One vendor said it best when I asked him if he had some good stuff at his table? He responded: " My good stuff is at home... I bring my junk to sell here! "

Great to talk to the folks and see old friends but not a good business model for most of the vendors.

I did notice more motorhomes each year. We use one; but also put out over 50 FT of tables full of merchandise! The barge works great because of the bay storage so we can bring more. With 4 or 5 of us it makes it easier to lodging and setup.

I would guess there was at least 25 percent open spaces or more.

Mitch//pa 10-12-2015 09:42 AM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015


Originally Posted by barkleydave (Post 1170947)
I am not an Ole Timer but have been to Hershey five times as a vendor. I have noticed changes in the past 5 years.

1. Yes lots of electric carts (the crowd is getting older!)
2. Too many Golf Carts!

From a vendor's perspective the carts are a good thing. The more ground the customers can cover the better the sales should be.

3. Great place to see beautiful cars and that remains the same.

4. Sales have been falling every year. It is expensive to go to Hershey. We travel 2 days each way. Takes a week of time and lots of fuel, food, etc expense. Sales this year barley covered our space rental.

5. More junk less quality available.

One vendor said it best when I asked him if he had some good stuff at his table? He responded: " My good stuff is at home... I bring my junk to sell here! "

Great to talk to the folks and see old friends but not a good business model for most of the vendors.

I did notice more motorhomes each year. We use one; but also put out over 50 FT of tables full of merchandise! The barge works great because of the bay storage so we can bring more. With 4 or 5 of us it makes it easier to lodging and setup.

I would guess there was at least 25 percent open spaces or more.

thanks for your honesty

Terry, NJ 10-12-2015 01:43 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

From what I can see, The guys at AACA are not going to let it fail,It may get smaller, but they won't allow it to fail completely. Nor would we want it to! Let the guy who's so tired of Hershey and wants it done, raise his hand! So rather than sitting around predicting it's demise, let's figuratively light a candle and have some suggestions about how we can improve it. Face it, Hershey is a lot of fun and it can be a lot of fun again.

bettlesr 10-12-2015 02:19 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Highlight of the week was when the wind and rain came up and the porta-john in front of us blew about 50 feet away in the orange field!

Bruce Lancaster 10-12-2015 02:46 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I sold a bunch of Flathead stuff with no trouble at all (I hate seeing stuff go, and my prices are not great...but I want to justify having a space!)
A guy across from me with lots of used original Model A parts varying from pretty good to barely useable did well...I could see more bare asphalt every time I looked over there.
Both of us spent a lot of time yakking with people interested in learning more about the parts, what is correct, etc., which is a BIG part of Hershey...meeting people with similar interests, teaching and learning.
As far as I could tell, there were lots of real car parts around and lots of sales.
Foreigners are big and getting bigger. Scandinavians, Germans, Australians, and some with languages (probably Baltic) I couldn't identify. There were a few Japanese and a few that were some sort of Slavic, I think, and I heard some Spanish spoken. And these that I encounter are just the ones that like Fords.
There have ALWAYS been lots of empty spaces and spaces that are just motorhome parking, even back when it was nearly impossible to get a space if you hadn't had it for a long time. These are old timers who don't like walking and who are generally messing with high-zoot classics and using professional restorers, not people who are out scrounging for parts. They've always been around. They are part of the establishment, too, and they are NOT going to be punished for wasting spaces.
AACA has always had a substantial proportion of old guys, each generation whining about the new cars getting hasn't been long since most of them considered Model A's to be late model trash. The old guys also tend to be rich, often with a considerable contempt of mass produced cars and the whole idea of a flea market.
I'm near retirement and my budget can now allow regular meals, but the old and rich were the enemy on the Saturday thing when I was young and raising kids...I had to go on Saturdays, since Hershey in the middle of the school year is a poor choice for a family vacation, and I fully understood that the motorhome and Duesenberg crowds running the event did not give a damn about the riffraff who had to worry about days off.
The Saturday thing is a permanent problem for all the specialist clubs, too...if you go to their events on Saturday, all the cars are in trailers ready to depart while the club members are in the hotel banquet room! Younger people with families just aren't in the picture for them. Many Ford clubs have become VERY geriatric, even as I meet lots of people in their twenties who are eagerly searching for hardware and knowledge about Model A's and early V8's.
I think that in 10 or 15 years, the local Ford groups I have seen will be GONE, and Hershey will be shifting to control by a VERY different breed of Old Car people, who will probably be seen as a bunch of Bolshevists by the AACA members commenting from nursing homes.

BILL WILLIAMSON 10-12-2015 05:00 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

"Some" folks would complain, even if they were HUNG with a NEW POLYESTER ROPE!
Bill W.

msmaron 10-12-2015 05:20 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015


Originally Posted by forever4 (Post 1170562)

Hershey is still great, and much, much better than the past in regarding food, lodging, parking, traffic, etc.

I recommend anyone who has never gone, to go and judge for yourself and plan to attend the activities that interest you, and not pay any attention to the haters on Ford Barn.


Originally Posted by ronn (Post 1170565)
Glad you had such a great time Forever.....................

as I said, will never go back, so I guess I need an attitude adjustment.

MAYBE...had such a fantastic time I have already booked for next year, GREAT NOS Parts, great used parts, great linking up with friends and great findings!! I mean GREAT!...saw very single vendor and there is something for every single person in this hobby and it is what you make it...Just did NOT want to come home at all...WORK!! damn that thing that pays for all this.. :D

brum1 10-12-2015 05:31 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

This was my second year at Hershey and like the first, I found everything I was looking for. I found many prices that I would not pay, but eventually came across the individual who had the bargain or just wanted to get rid of the parts. (perfect Model A screwdriver for $1.00, engine crank $1.00, grease gun $5) Not to mention all the other fun to be had,:)

Bruce Lancaster 10-12-2015 05:57 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

ALWAYS remember, a bad day at Hershey is better than a good day in your regular existence!

32forddump 10-12-2015 06:25 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

I have been going to Hershey for about 7 years. I am in heaven as soon as I get on the field. I brought a list and found everything on it. Found that the best sales were on Tuesday. The only gripe is that we like to get there around 7am and there are many tarps on the tables. Maybe 7 is too early but the tarps weren't off the tables until 9am. It is frustrating when it takes a long time to walk the swap meet and the thought of back-tracking is annoying. Otherwise I will be there until I cant muster the energy. I save up all year and enjoy the experience immensely. I did hear that the hurricane in the south was a reason that some of the venders and visitors weren't there. Not sure. See you next year. Walt

Wick 10-12-2015 06:27 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

First the Elect. carts and golf carts were everywhere,most were just lookers not hauling parts. Then I kept smelling urine around my camper,Thursday evening I found out why,I caught the vendor behind me taking a leak on my back bumper. He told me to F.... off!
Then he packed up and left.

I found all the parts I wanted close by. I closed up Thursday at noon,most everything was gone. Had a great time every day talking to people and hearing stories. Looking forward to Luray next year! Thanks to everyone who stopped by and said Hi!

mhsprecher 10-12-2015 09:35 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

My problem is getting there early enough. As a working guy, I need to steal days away from work.

I don't need many parts, but I still miss the flea market. I first went to Hershey in 1966 when I was 15 years old and have been going intermittently ever since. I will post some photos from back then to provide some perspective.

There used to be a calliope on the flea market field that you could hear everywhere and which drove me crazy. People started sellling all manner of non-automotive stuff and they had to try and stop that. And the mud. Holy cow. When it rained the mud was epic and there were floods. Now it is all paved and a much better experience. The car show used to be held in the stadium and had more Model Ts than anything else!

I still love it. I live close enough that I can drive one of my cars and enter the DPC. I enjoy the car corral, too. Sorry I didn't run into more folks. I did get the chance to meet Jim Cannon who had a car entered in the show on Saturday.

Steve_Mack_CT 10-13-2015 12:37 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Always different experiences with such a large event. Personally Hershey is still the best event of the year to me. Bear in mind that the show used to be held inside the stadium so even if it shrinks some I can't think of a larger event so heavily focused on the older stuff.

AACA cannot control asking prices or the general fact much of the best stuff is no longer in circulation or Internet and auctions really grab a lot of that activity. Those changes in the hobby are not specifically related to Hershey.

Too bad anywhere you have such a large number of people in one place you always have some trouble. A friend had a radiator cap stolen in the car corral and hopefully Wick reported his neighbor, but generally people are great. Unfortunately serious shopping is best done earlier in the week, by Friday pm, it can be a lot harder for sure.

Yes lots of change but not all bad. Fields, day parking, show venue and traffic flow / logistics are best they have ever been in my opinion. Less scooters might be nice but I hope if I ever find myself in need of one, to be able to use it there so you just have to be a little patient with the traffic.

Already have next year scheduled!!

CarlG 10-13-2015 12:44 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

If I ever do make it to Hershey, I would definitely need a scooter. After reading about some of these guys that do 10 miles in a day, they would have to take me out in a stretcher if I attempted anything close to that. We ain't as young as we use to be!

Tim Ayers 10-13-2015 12:44 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

First off, I love Hershey and think it still is a great show.

I do have one suggestion: It seems like spots are being purchased, but the seller/vendor/spectator is a no show. There should be some type of policy that if you no show for XX amount of years (to be determined by AACA), you forfeit your spot to someone else.

Not sure if this is possible, but something I would like to see.

Just my two cents.

Steve_Mack_CT 10-13-2015 01:00 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

They might be empty, one thing I think has changed is that spaces are now a little more available. I know this as a friend was able to make a request for a specific field and they accomdated him, a first time vendor. Will be interesting to see how the region handles this, I am sure that they would prefer packed vs. Fields with gaps but we are thinking of setting up next year. As a hobbyist not a full time vendor I think I would like to be able to get the space and not be obligated to being open the whole time, we'll see. .

Tim Ayers 10-13-2015 01:10 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015


Originally Posted by Steve_Mack_CT (Post 1171670)
They might be empty, one thing I think has changed is that spaces are now a little more available. I know this as a friend was able to make a request for a specific field and they accomdated him, a first time vendor. Will be interesting to see how the region handles this, I am sure that they would prefer packed vs. Fields with gaps but we are thinking of setting up next year. As a hobbyist not a full time vendor I think I would like to be able to get the space and not be obligated to being open the whole time, we'll see. .

Not to sound hypocritical, but that is what we do. Sometimes our spot is open, sometimes not. We have put a sign saying if you are interested in anything, give us a call and we'll meet you back at the spot.

I've seen other vendors leave an "honor" box. Meaning, if you want a part put the money in the box. Of course, this eliminates the haggling aspect that most buyers like to do.

ctlikon0712 10-13-2015 01:12 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Wick, were you in Chocolate south? If so my wife and I remember smelling the same... that's ridiculous! And then the gall to curse you after doing that....

All in all I loved the show and will return every chance I get.

Divco one 10-13-2015 03:22 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Hershey is the best, has been the best and will be the best for the foreseeable future. That said, it's all about the money. Anywhere you look at Hershey, somebody is making money. Hershey region will sell all the spots it can, doesn't matter how they will be used. Herco will park as many cars as they can. Hotels will charge as much as they can as long as they sell out. Things will slowly change in the future. Spots will get cheaper because more will go unsold. With all the new hotels that have been, rooms should get more reasonable.

CarlG 10-13-2015 04:31 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

My niece and her family planned their family vacation to PA last week not knowing that the Hershey crowd had the place sold out UNTIL they tried to make hotel/motel reservations. Apparently they were able to be successful by skirting around the mass in and around Hershey where prices and availability were a little more reasonable.

brum1 10-13-2015 06:26 PM

Re: End of Hershey report Saturday 10-10-2015

Never had a problem getting a hotel room in the Harrisburg area(about 10 miles out or so) I usually book in the summer as my plans firm up for the year

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