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Brian T Brian T is offline

Senior Member

About Me

  • About Brian T
    San Diego,Ca
    Retired Auto Mechanic
    May 1, 1941 (76)
    Born in war torn UK 1941 in the small town of Caxton in Cambridge Shire, a mechanic by trade, left the UK in 1964 with $600 and a pregnant wife, lived in Riverside for 6 years, then moved to San Diego, quit working on British cars, and worked on Volvo cars for the next 40 years until retirement, I purchased my Double A in 2008, working on it is my old age therapy, it goes to shows and cruises with a club, I really enjoy swap meets and finding parts others are looking for, I also like unit repairing, -- carburetors - distributers and other small items, also looking thru the Model A forums with so many other A owners.
    San Diego
    Swap meets looking for rusty parts, and drinking a few beers to wash the rust away.
    Retired Mechanic
  • Signature
    Nothing can be made foolproof, ---- fools are ingenious bastards.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 01-21-2022 12:51 PM
  • Join Date: 05-11-2010


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