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Hoogah Hoogah is offline

Senior Member

About Me

  • About Hoogah
    Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia
    Retired Agricultural Extension Agent (Sheep and Beef Industries)
    1920s/30s stuff: US Cars, Music esp. Blues, History (Depression, Dustbowl migration, Prohibition)
    My first intro to the Model A was as a kid, via a '28 or '29 Tudor that used to come down my street every morning around 8am, honk the horn at the corner (in case anyone was coming and needed to give way to him coming down the hill!) and go past my place, but which time I'd have my nose pressed up against the window. Bought a '28 Nash sedan for $50 when I was 16. It's still in bits (shame on me!). I was 50 before I bought my first running vintage car, a 27 Chev, and 10 years later I finally found my E28 Phaeton. It's a survivor and I love it exactly the way it is.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-18-2024 05:38 AM
  • Join Date: 02-20-2014


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