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Pete pa Pete pa is offline


About Me

  • About Pete pa
    allison park pa
    rebuilding old cars
    My name is Harry, but since birth I have been called Pete, due to both grandfathers and father named Harry. I own two 39 Ford Deluxe and a 40 Deluxe coupes. One of the 39's that I'm working on has a 48 Lincoln v12 and 3 speed overdrive, all the brakes and the cut down dashboard and steering column from the Lincoln donor car. The other 39 is a street rod with a 302/c4 and Gear Venders overdrive and a 9"rear end. The 40 has a 59a top loader 3 speed and a Columbia overdrive in it, I've owned this car since 1973 and still my favorite of the three. I'm an alliance member of the H.A.M.B. also, and known as two couped up over there.


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General Information
  • Last Activity: Yesterday 08:58 AM
  • Join Date: 05-07-2010
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