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dschwartz dschwartz is offline

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About Me

  • About dschwartz
    Fair Oaks, Ca
    Retired High School Teacher
    I have restored four early Fords
    53 years ago I owned a 32 five-window coupe and worked on that car for five years. I took out the flat head motor and replaced it with a 49 overhead Oldsmobile motor. I worked on that car trying to make it a 50’s and 60’s Hot Rod. 1961 a sophomore at Monterey Peninsula College my Dad said the car had to go and it was sold when I was away at college. The car has never left me I can remember every thing that I did to the car. Meet Kelly my 32 Five-Window restored and modified, she is the result of the dream of some day owning a 32 again. Dan Schwartz


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-02-2024 06:04 PM
  • Join Date: 05-20-2010
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