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Old 07-03-2013, 11:47 AM   #1
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: McPherson, KS
Posts: 197
Default Moving to Kansas

Hi all,

Just wanted to share a bit of good news: I'm moving to Kansas.

Some of you might think it's odd that moving from California to Kansas is "good news" (and others might reflexively agree that it is), and some are probably wondering: what the heck does this have to do with Model A's and this forum?

Well, the story starts about four and a half years ago when I was in a pretty serious motorcycle accident and spent a month in the hospital--at a time when my oldest daughter was four and my wife was eight months pregnant. At that point, I decided that riding a bike in Bay Area traffic wasn't a good choice for a family man and sold my motorcycle. I've always been a bit of a car nut, so I thought that I'd buy something interesting for my daily transportation. With the assistance of members on this forum (Hi Pat, Jack, Tom, and all!) I decided to buy a '31 coupe.

The coupe has been my--almost--daily driver for the last three years. Four days a week I've commuted on surface streets the 17 mile round trip to and from work, right through the heart of Silicon Valley. As I worked on the car on weekends, drove it running errands, and generally talked about it all the time, my wife thought that it might be a good idea to channel my enthusiasm into something more than a hobby. As an aside, never underestimate the value of a good wife

She did a lot of research and found a college (in Kansas: McPherson College) that offers a degree in auto restoration. It seemed like a really neat opportunity, but I wasn't sure that we could make it work out. Eventually, with the cooperation of my employer (who will let me do my computer-related writing job from home) and the real estate market, we've decided to move to Kansas where I'll enroll part-time in McPherson's restoration program. We move at the end of this month to our new house in Kansas.

I'll still be reading the forum and occasionally chiming in when I have something to say, but before things get crazy (with moving, settling in, working, going to school) I wanted to give a heartfelt thanks to those of you who have offered encouragement, advice, and sympathy as I've worked on various issues on my A--especially as it's lead to the opportunity of a lifetime and a chance to pursue a dream.

Thank you all.

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