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Old 06-19-2012, 08:24 PM   #27
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Vendor Disappointment

Originally Posted by Mike V. Florida View Post
So we should just accept the lies?

Gosh, maybe I am just different but I think much of this is perception. Mike, suppose I live close by and you call me asking if I can come over and give you a hand moving something. I say "Sure, be there in 15 minutes!" Now suppose it actually take 20 minutes before I arrive. Did I lie to you when I wasn't there in exactly 15 minutes like I said? Maybe my intentions were pure but I was delayed a few minutes while I had to run back into the house to go pee.

Again, while we have only heard one side of the story, it kinda appears the vendors were honest or forthcoming when later asked if it was imported. If they had argued and tried to cover it up, maybe I would feel different about their business ethics but based on my perception, it just has the appearance of a mistake. I guess it is also unclear to me whether they were unwilling to take the merchandise back, --or whether they were actually asked to give some type of compensation.

BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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