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Old 10-14-2022, 11:21 AM   #9
BRENT in 10-uh-C
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Default Re: Frame Sag, How much acceptable?

Originally Posted by Conaway2 View Post
This is the best time to get the frame as straight as you can - it ll make a difference.

I recently straightened the frame on a car I’m presently restoring - used the string method to measure. I straightened it cold (like post #4) using a long 6” X 6” timber with a long steel I-beam on top. Each end of the frame was held with chains while I used a 20-ton bottle jack under the frame at the rear motor mount. There was an article published some time ago on how to do this - I think the title was something like ‘straightening the frame the shade-tree way’.

From my vantage point, the 'shade-tree way' is the perfect example of how a professional would NOT do it. Even more to the thought, if the late Bob and I were given two identical frames bent/sagging the same amount to repair, I could have my frame repaired in less than the time it took him to get set-up with jacks, chains, timbers, etc. in a effort to do his, ...and my method of just using a torch & water will last WAY longer than his method simply because I am correcting the initial trauma instead of adding a second bend to counteract the first one. My method has been discussed more than a few times here, and the success of my method has also been discussed by contributors here.

BRENT in 10-uh-C
...(...Finally Updated!! )

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