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Old 06-28-2022, 08:05 PM   #11
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Default Re: Need car hauled from PA to Denver

Sorry for the long comment Everyone. I think others have tried to help you with some of these thoughts, but hey, it's a Forum.

47topless, Welcome to the FordBarn Forums. I inherited/co-owned/still own a '36 Phaeton and had the, gulp, pleasure, of seeing the top replaced by my Pops. He sent the car and the top kit to Prueitt's in Glen Rock, PA. That bill wasn't quite like buying a set of Ardun heads, but still made this fella blink hard. Dad filpped the wallet open so all was good for numbnuts me. (Sidetrack here for a chuckle about some of Dad's other wallet problems...

The days when a top kit could be ordered are gone or more difficult, aren't they everyone?

When I'm on the road, the security of my 'portable garage' (enclosed trailer) saved my bacon enough times to convince me.

That time during an epic weather event on the opening night of a meet in Minnesota will not be forgotten. Probably a dozen cars were damaged in ways that made my peanut shrink. Don't look at post #13. My rig was in the trailer but there were trees to remove before I could get under way.

There was another meet in Indianna when a hailstorm visited in the middle of the nightly entertainment at the nearby museum. The tapping on the metal roof sent about half the crowd to the parking lot in a jiffy. Elbows and heels was what I saw leaving that room and felt relief about putting the car away before the festivities and sorry for the folks that didn't.

In Springfield Il, it bucketed. I was such a green noob. My brother and I were coming in from some local touring. I drove up to the front of the hotel finding Michael and Jane Driskell in their 32 Phaeton. Me waving my arms and shouting RAIN COMING as I scurried off to the metal drag-behind shelter. Michael and Jane looked at me in a puzzled way and I deserved every bit of it. Not their first rodeo.

Another time in Saratoga Springs. In the middle of Judging a touch of rain misted down. Pretty sure Noah could have floated down the show field. The convertible and wagon owners were needing adult beverages later that day while pondering the experience. As I recall Kube had a sweet crispy fresh restoration on that field. I don't think he's in the 'I love rain' camp.

Your trip looks like 1800 miles plus or minus a couple of hundred. As an amateur I think 500 miles a day is a good one when hauling a trailer, but I'm not a pro. That could be a couple to several days with road-elements at play.

Consider also that even if you get the best semi-trailer enclosed on the planet your vehicle could need shifting on and off the rig at times along the way as other customers are serviced.

Conclusion, put it enclosed, get a company that specializes in the type of cars that people REALLY care about, close your eyes when the bill comes. Keep kneeling before bedtime.

Or figure a way to transport it personally?
-Jeff H

Have you thought about supporting the Early Ford V-8 Foundation Museum?

Last edited by VeryTangled; 06-28-2022 at 08:20 PM.
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