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Old 08-21-2021, 05:54 PM   #1
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Default Ignition problem

In my original post (fuel or ignition problem?) posted 8/11 I miss spoke saying the problem was fixed. The carb was taken apart 2 times and could find no problems, I have checked the timing several times with a New Rex tool. I still have missing. The car starts easy and from there on things go South. Idle is pretty smooth, as I start to press the gas pedal the miss becomes more prominent and the more I press the engine begins to "lug" down. Starting with a constant speed slightly above idle pulling down on the spark advance lever same thing happens. I did notice something curious to me, #1 and #2 cylinder will spark from the wire to the spark plug strong 1/2" away and the #3 weak from 3/8" inch away and # 4 weak from 1/4". What is going on with that and does it have anything to do with above problems? I removed all 4 spark plugs, cleaned and reinstalled and ran for about 1 min. They all had about the some amount of soot. I did not do a compression test as I don't have a leak down tester. I don't feel that compression would have anything to do with the problem, considering the above observation to be the problem.

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