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Old 04-16-2020, 01:12 AM   #40
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 87
Default Re: Model T as a daily driver

Safety is relative.

A Model T is not as safe as a modern car that has air bags, seatbelts, structural body strength, anti-lock braking, etc. etc. Neither is a motorcycle. Safety is up to the driver, how well he knows his vehicle, how he drives, which roads he picks, and how good his maintenance is.

There are some roads a T should not be driven on, there is some weather a T should not be driven in, and some rush hour traffic should not be driven in.

And there are upgrades that can make a T much safer like auxiliary braking, lighting, Ruckstells, and high compression heads.

Most of my driving within 15 miles of home is in a T or TT. Suburban and city driving is the best, winding country roads with hills and no shoulders are to be avoided. Rush hour is bad news and I watch the weather report closely.

I consider a properly maintained and driven T safer than a motorcycle, but no where near as safe as a modern car.
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