Thread: Seller
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Old 02-19-2015, 11:21 AM   #19
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Default Re: Seller

My advice would be to call the guy and speak to him personally. You can get a pretty good "feel'' if a guy is honest or not. Then decide. If you get burned for that amount of money his name on here to warn everyone else.
My experience on the "Barn'' has been 100% positive. I typically send out any keys/locks repairs etc. without getting paid first. On a couple (very few) I have waited for payment...just to be safe. I usually call the person , tell them their stuff is done , how much they owe and that I am mailing it out that day. I accept personal checks so no need to run to post office for a money order. Nobody on the "Barn" has burned me. The only bad experience I had, was some guy on the Thunderbird site, he ultimately burned me( after 5 or 6 attempts to collect) for $6.
he shall remain nameless....'cause no one would believe who he was...
Early Ford Lock & Key Service
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